Photo by Kiandra. Check out her inspiring Instagram! Sometimes, life can get in the way of life. And if you understood exactly what I meant, then I’m not crazy (yay). Life can be bipolar at times; It’s great at one point, and then sucks the next. Life can just be all over the place and messy. The reason for that can sometimes be because our lives feel messy and disorganized. I can’t tell you that I know exactly how to fix your life, but I know how to make it less messy (if that made any sense). It all begins with cleansing your life completely starting with the small things in your life: Cleanse your social media. This could be your list of facebook friends that you need to go through and delete, or your instagram to delete any pictures you don’t like anymore. I remember deleting ALL of my instagram pictures and having it feel so good because it felt kinda like a fresh start at life. I know that sounds cheesy and dumb of how cleansing my instagram helped but our generation deals a lot with social media and we have to work with what we have. Anything that… View Post

Massey Hosseini’s Instagram For More Pictures Like This: There are so many reasons why you are anxious and stressed out all the time. One reason could be because of the pressures that surround us. I’m sure there are many things that revolve around our everyday lives that can be the cause to our anxiety. However, I think it can be entirely because of us! Here are things you may be doing that are the source of your anxiety and stress! I know what anxiety feels like. Everyone experiences it differently. I experienced anxiety especially in social situations. It’s not constant anxiety, it comes and goes in all types of situations. I start to move my shoulders inward to close my body, I become very reserved, my palms start to sweat uncontrollably, my heart and breathing start to change, I start to lose my thoughts and start thinking negatively, and I end up standing funny, and realize in that whole time that I was focusing on my posture, only a second has gone by. I also for some reason forget how to speak english properly and end up having an awkward conversation with someone. I am a very chatty person so if… View Post

Humans are far from perfect so how are you expecting your life to fall into perfection. If we are so flawed, how can we expect life to be flawless? I believe that there is a higher being out there that takes care of us and that our lives are bound to fall into place for our own happiness because I know God loves each and every one of us. But don’t expect your life to be perfect because it doesn’t work like that. You may not be able to control your life completely, but you have all the right to control your mindset and behavior, and that’s what I believe is the most important part of living. Your mindset to tragedy and how you face challenges matters. Do you let problems get in the way of your day or your mood? Do you allow the challenges you go through to consume your life? Do you let people ruin your life? Listen, life is all about choices and you choose to allow something/someone to affect your mood. If you are an unhappy person, that was all up to you to be/act that way. If you are depressed, you choose to be… View Post

Living in the future and living for the future are entirely different things. I was always the kind of person to look forward to my future and envision all the great plans that God has set for me. The problem was that I was always living in the future and not focusing on my current reality. I was always daydreaming about my life in 5-10 years, but it sorta hit me when I was watching John Green’s “Paper Towns” movie, while Quentin was speaking to Margo, his crush, about where he envisions his future about having a family and becoming a doctor and Margo responds by saying, “And that’s when you’ll be happy.., when you’re 30?”. That really hit home because I felt like I can relate with Quentin in that moment and to hear Margo say that was harsh but eye-opening. Just like Quentin, all this time, I was putting my present life on pause while living in the future, when I should have been living for the future. I was always looking forward to leaving my home state and traveling the world, having a career I’m happy to wake up to, fall in love, have kids, come home… View Post

Yes, I decided to post a picture of me at Pikes Place Market with a cute couple in the background, taking pictures together. I thought it made perfect sense to attach it along with this post! Being single can have it’s up’s and down’s. Heck, I’ve been single my entire life and I have no idea what it’s like not to be. The idea of not being single, scares me a lot. However, the thing is that I cannot wait to be able to love someone with all my ability while at the same time feeling fearful for depending on someone, since vulnerability is something I try to avoid. Before I go further on with this post, there are people who truly choose to be single because they haven’t matured to committing to one person. I won’t be discussing those factors in this post mainly because this is directed towards people who wonder why they are still single and what they are doing “wrong”. You may be single for a number of reasons and not being good enough is not one of them! One reason can be that you’re just not ready to put yourself out there and you’re wise enough to wait instead… View Post