Shower Routine For Long, Hydrated, and Healthy Hair!

If you want to have long and healthy hair fast, it starts with a natural and efficient haircare routine.

My shower/haircare routine changes by the months and seasons so I never have a steady routine. However, sometimes it’s good to change up the products you use because our hair can easily adapt to something if we are constantly using a product. For example if you’re using a ‘volumizing shampoo’ regularly, your scalp will adapt to that specific product and will no longer react to it, meaning that it won’t look as voluminous as it did before with one wash. Which is why I change my shampoo & conditioners frequently so that my hair can always look good after just one wash of a different product.


If you follow me on youtube, you know that I love to create natural hair masks with the foods I find from my own kitchen. I almost always incorporate eggs or olive oil into my DIY hair masks but sometimes it’s nice to use a hair mask that is already made for you.

Hello Hair’s Hydrating Hair Mask

Before the shower, I use ‘Hello Hair’s Hydrating Hair Mask’ for extra nourishment & shine. I usually use this mask anytime my hair is feeling more dry or matted than usual.

Hello Hair’s Botanic Edition

There is also ‘Hello Hair’s Botanic Edition Hair Mask’ (which smells amazing!) and even though this mask doesn’t articulate that it promotes hair growth, I still think it would be great for growing hair faster since it contains ingredients of rosemary & lavender. These properties focus primarily on stimulating blood circulation & hair growth which is why I feel this mask would be great for people who are trying to grow their hair out.

Appliance Directions:

  • Take a certain amount of the mask and massage that into scalp

  • Section hair into parts and apply the mask everywhere
  • Distribute mask to the ends of hair for moisture and hydration

  • Put hair into loose bun

  • Secure a plastic bag over hair for faster & more efficient results

  • Leave mask on for 30 minutes
  • After half an hour, I continue with my shower routine


Hello Hair has recently launched their new shampoo & conditioner line and I knew I had to try it out. The cartons seem small for their price, but I noticed that the smallest amount of shampoo & conditioner was all that was needed! The consistency and quality of their formula was worth the price.

After one wash of the shampoo & conditioner, I noticed a huge difference within my hair texture, and health. For some reason, my hair seemed less frizzy, and straighter. I’m guessing since their haircare line is full of moisturizing properties, they focus a lot on hydrating and nourishing the hair which can create a straighter look. It also gave my hair a lot of shine which added in that hydrated & healthy look.

Hello Hair’s hair care line is cruelty-free and 100% natural and organic which is very important for your hair in the long-run. You don’t want to be using hair care products that contain chemicals or acids, because not only can that damage hair, but has the potential to delay hair growth in the process. Which is why I urge everyone to switch their unnatural shampoo & conditioners to a more organic and pure hair care brand.

You wear your hair everyday so you might as well treat it with love & care with natural hair care products.