Living in the future and living for the future are entirely different things. I was always the kind of person to look forward to my future and envision all the great plans that God has set for me. The problem was that I was always living in the future and not focusing on my current reality. I was always daydreaming about my life in 5-10 years, but it sorta hit me when I was watching John Green’s “Paper Towns” movie, while Quentin was speaking to Margo, his crush, about where he envisions his future about having a family and becoming a doctor and Margo responds by saying, “And that’s when you’ll be happy.., when you’re 30?”. That really hit home because I felt like I can relate with Quentin in that moment and to hear Margo say that was harsh but eye-opening. Just like Quentin, all this time, I was putting my present life on pause while living in the future, when I should have been living for the future. I was always looking forward to leaving my home state and traveling the world, having a career I’m happy to wake up to, fall in love, have kids, come home… View Post

I thought I’d spare you the torture of reading long paragraphs after another with a simple and concise post instead. To those of you who have been wondering why I haven’t been blogging frequently is because I wanted to take some time off to clarify my mind. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been questioning if I’m someone who is capable of  giving advice to people who need it because if I don’t take my own advice, then I lack credibility and that’s the last thing I want. But I think during these couple of weeks, I realized something and that is this. I don’t necessarily think that credibility comes from just sticking with your own values and advice. Instead, I believe that it comes from your honesty and I want to be completely open and truthful with everyone through my blogs. I use this as a way of expressing myself in the best way that I can, and it serves as my outlet. There may be some people who don’t care about what I have to say and might even ridicule my values and thoughts, but the whole point of doing this was to set myself up for vulnerability and… View Post

Yes, I decided to post a picture of me at Pikes Place Market with a cute couple in the background, taking pictures together. I thought it made perfect sense to attach it along with this post! Being single can have it’s up’s and down’s. Heck, I’ve been single my entire life and I have no idea what it’s like not to be. The idea of not being single, scares me a lot. However, the thing is that I cannot wait to be able to love someone with all my ability while at the same time feeling fearful for depending on someone, since vulnerability is something I try to avoid. Before I go further on with this post, there are people who truly choose to be single because they haven’t matured to committing to one person. I won’t be discussing those factors in this post mainly because this is directed towards people who wonder why they are still single and what they are doing “wrong”. You may be single for a number of reasons and not being good enough is not one of them! One reason can be that you’re just not ready to put yourself out there and you’re wise enough to wait instead… View Post

Welcome to my “Lazy Guide To Weight Loss”! I myself am a very lazy person and have struggled to commit to a weight loss plan since it required more effort than I was willing to give. I figured out a way on how to lose weight without trying so hard so this is specifically geared towards my lazy folks out there. Let’s start off with the most important step. Water. Water is going to be your best friend through this lazy journey of yours. It’s important for your body to consume more than two liters of water each day, but if you’re willing to lose weight, you’re going to have to take in more than just two liters. Go above and beyond and try drinking water throughout the whole day whenever you get the chance. This will lead to annoying bathroom breaks, but continuously drinking water throughout your day will boost your metabolism and will serve as a cleanse for your body and skin. Drinking water also prevents your body from retaining water which will help you lose a couple of pounds from the water weight! Now if you’re someone who despises the boring taste of water, try adding some… View Post

Most people despise the idea of being alone and try to avoid it as much as possible. In times of loneliness and isolation, most tend to treat it as a bad thing. Being surrounded by people who were terrified of the idea of being lonely influenced me into feeling the same exact way. However, I resisted the pressure of jumping into relationships once loneliness hit, and I tried to prevent myself from ever depending on a boy when things got tough. I’m not saying being dependent on a guy is so wrong, but it’s wrong if your intentions started from feeling lonely. Not only are you disrespecting the guy, but you’re doing the same to yourself because you were too weak to stand alone, and now you’re using a guy for your own selfishness. My words may come off harsh, but I feel that it is very important to pursue the idea that loneliness is not as bad as everyone portrays it to be. To me, loneliness is defined as the act of isolating yourself away from the world and allows the freedom to get to know yourself without being distracted by the many things this world has to offer. Distractions of the world can involve anything related to drama with family/friends, issues with… View Post