My Haircare Essentials: What Saved My Damaged Hair!

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I’m still trying every single day to get my hair to reach it’s maximum point of health by preventing split ends and dryness. I could say that right now, my hair has become a lot healthier than it was before. Here are a couple of my hair care essentials and secrets to how I saved my hair from the disaster it was in.

  1. OILS

Once I introduced essential oils to my haircare routine, it changed my hair’s life and I’m not just saying that. Oils helped me regain the health within my hair again. Oils are great for growing hair, moisturizing hair, styling hair, and preventing hair loss & breakage. Oils are a multi-purpose hair lifesaver and I would recommend everyone to incorporate some type of oil into there haircare routine.

Oils that I personally use frequently on my hair are the following: Coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil, avocado oil, lavender essential oils, and rosemary essential oils. Other oils that are also beneficial for moisturizing & growing hair faster are peppermint & pumpkin seed essential oils which I’ve been meaning to get my hands on.

Here’s what I do: I massage either castor oil or coconut oil to my scalp, 2 hours before taking a shower (these oils are very strong in stimulating blood circulation to the scalp) while also applying either olive, avocado, lavender, or rosemary oil to the ends of my hair.  

      2. HAIR RINSES

This part is probably the easiest and most doable part of my haircare routine that I also cannot live without. There are two rinses that I incorporate into my showers (one rinse per shower). The first is probably the most easy to make, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) hair rinse where you pour 4 tbsp of ACV into a cup, with 1 cup of water for the rest of the way.

The second rinse requires a little more work because this one is the Rosemary Hair Rinse. Watch my in depth tutorial here on how to make this hair rinse. It can seem a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes fun to make.

Apply the hair rinses after shampoo and conditioner (first dip the ends of your hair into the cup of the rinse you made, and then pour over your scalp & hair). Afterwards, rinse the ACV hair rinse with water but if you used the rosemary hair rinse, leave it into your hair and do not rinse it off.

      3. THE ABSENCE OF HEAT (Iron & Blow Dryer)

Wait, that’s not a tangible essential. True, this may not be something that requires you to go out to buy but this is the essential that saved my hair the most. Before I stopped using heat, my hair was long, but I wouldn’t say that it was healthy at the same time. Anyone can get long hair, but it’s healthy hair that truly catches the eye. Once I gave up the heat, within a few months, my hair started to look a lot more healthier and less frizzy (if you know what I mean). 

For this essential part of your haircare routine, all you need to do is give up the iron and the blow dryer from your normal hair routine to help encourage health and natural growth within your hair. I used to straighten & blow dry my hair daily, but I haven’t touched a straightener or blow dryer in over a year and I’m better off without them! Let your hair air dry after the shower, and instead of straightening your hair, style your hair into a soft braid or loose bun (protective hairstyles).

During the first two months of quitting the heat, I styled my hair into braids almost everyday so that I could help contain the frizziness. And after those two months of hiding away my damaged hair, I started to see incredible results and finally opened my hair for the world to see. I started receiving more compliments about my hair than ever before! I know this part is hard, and probably in your mind unrealistic (at least that’s what I thought at first, when I quit the heat), but trust me you are better off without it. 

I hope this encouraged you to quit the heat and follow a more natural way of treating your hair.

Remember, you wear your hair every single day, so you might as well treat it with care, right?

For daily hair blog posts, subscribe on the orange tab (BELOW on mobile OR RIGHT TAB on computer). 


  1. February 17, 2017 / 9:04 AM

    I need to do the braid trick! Do you have braid tutorials for long hair? 🙂