7 Things To Remember When No One Supports Your Dreams

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During these past couple of months, I’ve been diving into chasing my dreams more. At first, I was excited to tell everyone my future plans and dreams, but when I received a heartbreaking response, I had become utterly discouraged. It’s hard to believe in yourself when your loved ones don’t. Chasing my dreams feels liberating because I’m finally doing what I want to do but it can also be very difficult when explaining those dreams to others especially when people are so quick to discourage. It can make you feel very lonely when no one supports you or sees your vision. You at least expect your loved ones to support you wholeheartedly but find the complete opposite which can be disheartening and very lonesome.

Which is why I organized a list of things that have helped me thus far of what to remember & tell yourself while no one supports your dreams.

Live Life With No Regrets

You have to keep asking yourself if your choice will leave you happy or regretful in the future. Deep down in our hearts, we all know what will make us happy so why are we choosing to listen to other people’s opinions? And if your afraid of failure, than you might as well quit right now, because failure is just a part of success and will come across your way whether you like it or not. You know they say failure weighs ounces, but the feeling of regret weighs tons. Are you willing to live with that regret of not chasing your dreams for the rest of your life due to the opinions of others?

They’re Jealous.

Most of the time, the reason why someone wants to tear your dreams apart is because they’re jealous of your charisma and faith. They don’t believe in themselves as much as you believe in yourself which explains why they are so quick to discourage you. While they think they’re being logical and realistic, they’re actually just limiting your true quality and potential.

They Just Don’t Understand.

Even after many times of explaining it, some people will just never understand your dreams. And it’s not their fault if they don’t see what you see because in these moments, we have to take into account that everyone is different. People who discourage you are not bad people at all, they’re just people who don’t quite understand things that are new & unfamiliar to them.

This is YOUR life. 

Plain and simple. You’re not living your parent’s life, friend’s life, or your enemy’s life. At first when I started chasing my dreams, I was weak and was so heartbroken to be receiving an unsupportive response by my closest friends. But then one day, I looked at my life and asked myself if this was my life or theirs? That’s when I realized that I need to be selfish for my dreams by disregarding other’s opinions in order to achieve my heart’s desires. This is YOUR life meaning that any decision you make determines your life’s future so it better be a decision that is uninfluenced by other’s opinions.

Life is Short.

Whether we like it or not, life is so damn short. I’m only 19 but I feel like it was just yesterday when I was being a dumb 12 year old kid. Life is short and goes by faster than you think. Infact, this part will prove how fast life can get so this is going to get a little scary. The average human lifespan is 75 years and comes down to a total of approximately 28,000 days. Take your age and multiply it by 365 to get the total amount of days you have lived thus far. Being 19, I’VE LIVED ALMOST 7,000 DAYS HOLY….. Take into account the average human lifespan, and I have lived 1/4 of my life so far. Which means that I better spend the rest of my life doing what I love. How many days have you lived so far and are you satisfied with how you have spent them? How will you spend the remaining amount of days?


If you think death scares humans, you’re wrong. What scares people is dying before feeling accomplished or reaching the ultimate goal. No one wants to die young because we all have dreams we want to achieve in our future. Same goes for anyone because no one wants to die without feeling accomplished first. You don’t want to leave your life as someone who gave up their dreams just because they listened to other people’s criticism and judgement, right?

Anything is Possible

I truly believe that anything is possible as long as your put your mind & heart to it. The idea of anything being possible, makes things more approachable and real. Remind yourself that anything is possible and you’ll start to believe it too.

Those are all the things to remember when you feel like no one supports your dreams. Don’t be one of those people who go through life not doing what you love.

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